Israel Today
January 02, 2007
“Hitler was a Jew who helped found Israel.” It might seem preposterous to many, but recent comments made by Mohammad-Ali Ramin, a top advisor to Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad seem to indicate otherwise.
In a recent interview with an Iranian website, Ramin said that Adolph Hitler was a Jew from his mother’s side and his actions to found the State of Israel stemmed from his Jewish connections and came as a result of cooperation between him and Britain in light of their joint wishes to rid Europe of all Jews.
Ramin explained Hitler’s hate towards the Jews because his mother was a Jewish prostitute and he developed a loathing towards her and her ethnic background. “At this time he both felt disdain and connection to the Jewish faith, and this ambivalence effected his treatment of the Jews,” Ramin said.
According to Ramin, on one hand, all of his family and friends were Jewish including his lovers and his personal doctor. “On the other hand,” Ramin added, “he welcomed the expulsion and extermination of the Jews because of the rich Jews’ plans to establish a Jewish government in Palestine.”

This article can be found at:
Advisor to President Ahmadinejad claims Nazi leader was Jew who conspired with USSR and Britain to establish Jewish state
January 02, 2007
Just when you thought the Iranian leadership could stoop no further: MEMRI (Middle East Media Research Institute) reported that a top advisor to Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad claimed in an interview with Iranian website Baztab that Nazi leader Adolf Hitler’s parents were both Jewish and that Hitler himself was one of the founders of the State of Israel.
In the interview, translated by MEMRI, Mohammad-Ali Ramin, a chief aide to Ahmadinejad, told Baztab that Hitler’s paternal grandmother was a Jewish prostitute and his father even kept his Jewish name until finally changing it to Hitler when he was 40.
Ramin also claimed that the reason Hitler developed such an aversion to Judaism was because his Jewish mother was a promiscuous woman. Hitler therefore, says Ramin, tried to escape his religion.
Ramin cites a 1974 book by Hennecke Kardel titled ‘Adolf Hitler: Founder of Israel’, which alleges that Hitler strived to create a Jewish state as a result of being influenced by his Jewish relatives and his cooperation with Britain – which also wanted to drive the Jews out of Europe.
Ramin claims in the interview that Hitler both identified with his Judaism and was disgusted by it. It is these ambivalent feelings, said Ramin, that formed the basis for his treatment of Jews.
According to Ramin on the one hand Hitler’s relatives and the friends who brought him to power, as well as his mistresses and personal physician, were all Jewish.
On the other hand he welcomed the expulsion of ambitious and influential Jews from Europe to the British Mandate of Palestine.,2506,L-3347309,00.html
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